Curtainsider/Euroliner Trailer Hire
Trailers for Hire
Curtainsider Trailers offer exceptional flexibility, allowing for easy loading from both the side and rear. With options for pillared or pillarless bodies and varying heights up to 4.95 meters. Various deck configurations, including double decks, lifting decks, and swivel decks, as well as roof options like sliding, security, translucent, and alloy, provide endless possibilities for customisation.
Euroliner Trailers are a European sliding roof customisable trailer with board side load security, XL rated body and sliding roof. They are available with various deck configurations including coli wells, deck rings, pockets and posts.
Rates are inclusive of UK wide maintenance, periodic inspections, repairs, worn tyres, 24/7 breakdown cover and live fleet portal access (compliance at the touch of a button). We can also provide EBPMS trackers (information provided) and European cover. Rates are based on your O-Licence inspection schedule.